Thursday, March 29, 2012


You are here.

Just think,
You're not here by chance,
by God's choosing.
His hand formed you
and made you
the person
you are.

He compares you to no one else.

You are
one of a kind.

You lack nothing
that His grace can't give you.

He has allowed you to be here
at this time in history
to fulfill
His special purpose

for this generation.

~Roy Lessin

I love this.

Because I make signs, 
I tend to talk in quotes, and many
of them are my own
gentle reminders...  celebrate the journey ...  even the yukky parts
hard to do, I've been in some pretty yukky parts.
But, I know without a doubt
that God will take you
where you are
your hurts and scars
touch lives
as He needs to, with your story.
For His greater purposes.

 I pray that you will remember just how 
you are.


1 comment:

  1. I love your signs. I bet they'd also make lovely note cards!
