Thursday, December 13, 2012

More Christmas Joy!

I guess I must love creating,
because yesterday
I kept squealing
at how cute 
everything kept
turning out!

Squeal a little,
it's Christmas!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Snowpeople and Glitter!

I really like my snowpeople!
I found these cans in
a garage at an
estate sale a few months ago
and pictured what
they could be.

Rusty, peeley,
a bit worn.
Kinda like me.
But add
a little joy,
some glitter
and fun,
and look how
they are repurposed.

I get to choose.
I choose joy.
And sparkle.

I tend to forget sometimes.

God made me,
my quirky,
sparkly self.

I hope people smile when
they think of me,
like I smile
when I see my 
weirdish-cute snowpeople,

Have a sparkly day,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

'Tis the Season of Joy!

It's almost here!
You know that time when
we should 'extra remember,'
that Jesus
came so that
we might have


more abundantly.

Here's a sampling of some Christmas cheer
I've been working on...

But my favorite holiday
of all comes first,

'Thanks' giving

The no pressure, cook and eat
'til you're stuffed and
then when you're playing
games, eat some dessert.

Then, when the die-hards are still
playing Scrabble
heat the leftovers!

Who doesn't love this holiday!
When my children were in elementary school,
We decorated a sheet around the edges
and put out fabric markers
so that people could write and draw
what they were thankful for, all over
the tablecloth!

It's a precious reminder year to year,
of who was with us, the kid's sense
of humor (and the adults!),
and what 
the Lord had bestowed 
on us that year.

This year I am extremely thankful for my mama.
I just got back from spending time with her.
  She has decided to downsize 
and move into a retirement village.
Let me backtrack and say that
my grandma had told me once when we were digging
around in her attic, that
my mom wasn't going to have anything to do 
when she was old, cause she hadn't saved
anything to sort.  Grandma was a keeper and my parents
had moved enough times, mama is a tosser.

Well...after a week of sorting, I'm glad that she's pared
down over the years!  There was plenty to sort.
 An organized tosser, saves
what's important and knows how to pack it in!

I had fun reading old letters and looking
at photos.  A reminder of the
blessed heritage I have. 
Godly parents
who taught what matters
She had a health scare a few weeks ago,
so I am ever grateful that she
is still with us and
that I was able to
take a week to be with her.

I am also thankful for
the 'adopted' mama's in my kid's lives
that cared for them
this past week.

I love you mom.

May grace and peace and thankfulness be yours,

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Faithfulness of the Lord

"The faithfulness
of the
Lord endures
forever."  Psalm 117

This verse jumped out at me
in my quiet time.

I love this gentle reminder.

Fret not, dear.
He's got this one.
...And that other one too.

And all those ones in the past.
Remember how He has carried you,
over and over.

I have the added blessing
of a Christian heritage,
so I love to recount the many
stories I've heard,
some of which I lived as a child, of
God's faithfulness.

Over and over, God has been incredibly faithful.
My little worries seem so insignificant
in the big picture.

The big picture that says,
write it down, lest you forget
what the Lord has done.
Talk about it.

Those boots that came to the post office
at 3:00 am, when my sister was
on her way to college in Canada,
and my dad actually checked to see if they
were there on their way out of town.

That financial gift that showed
up unexpectedly,
several times actually,
right when I needed it.

The Boy's Ranch 
my son's life, and took him on such short
notice a few years ago.  And still prays for him and loves him.

Yes, Deedee, God
will supply all your needs
according to His riches
in glory.

All your needs.  

Thanks Lord for this gentle reminder today.
Health, Spiritual, Home, Family,
all your needs.

Are you worrying?  Do you have needs
in your life that you are hanging onto with fret?
God wants to carry those for you too.

You can live free.
Pray, it's enough.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Alley Cats n' Scaredy Cats!

Alley cats:
imperfect, scruffy, brave.

 This one is my favorite, love the mix of textures and 

Hula cat is pretty cute too.

 They were fun to make and I like
how they are all so different.

 I have a house cat that loves the outdoors.
He's a bit of an alley cat.
I'm starting to lose track of the
number of birds I've found
in the house.  The most
recent startled me when I was
sorting laundry in the basement!

I was inspired by a blog from 
to make these fun black cats
for Halloween.  
I made a simple pattern, sewed them up
in muslin and then painted them black.
Digging in the fabric box and button
jar helped to add character.

'Cause I love character!
Perhaps I've got a bit of 'alley cat' in me.
Not the tough part, but I've
got a bit of a hobble from stubbing
my baby toe so many times,
got a tuft of hair sticking out more often than not, and 
I'm learning to be brave.

Deuteronomy 31:6 
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. 

I'd rather be an alley cat than a scaredy cat,
'cause I've got the promises of the Lord to carry me.

May your days be filled with courage and hope,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

God, you are FAITHFUL!

Caught in the act.  The 'bloomin' act.
Do you remember my garden?
It grew!
My daughter captured these sunflower
photos.  I love the visual image as they are ready to open.
And they open, as God intended.
And bring beauty to their world.
Blooming in his time.

I think I can learn a lesson or two from
the sunflower~

In everything there is a season.
A time to laugh, a time to be born,
a time to dance, a time to love,
a time to forgive,
a time to mourn, a time to cherish
each moment God has given.

A time to substitute teach, aaah!  Just 
a little fear there!
And a time to make jewelry and other
cute things.  I am on a new schedule
this year since I chose to sub.

I'm enjoying having more hours in my day.  And yes,
I have thus far survived the subbing and
had a little fun too.

Here are some pictures from the most recent show at
We didn't bring as much as usual, but it was
a great show.   And I didn't
have to drive the massive trailer.

I will be making more of these pumpkins for sure.  I
love how cute they turned out.  
What season are you in?  Are you bloomin?
Are you seeking God in  your life?
He is the master artist after all.

Isn't it fun to figure out what he created
you to be?

I feel like I am in a new season and I don't
exactly know what God is up to.  
But I do know that I am 
doing what he asked me to do.
I love being home with my kids after school.
I spent 2 years working a schedule that
sent me to work when they got home.

They've mentioned it too.  They like
that their mama is kind of like a 
stay at home mom. 
This makes me smile.  I've been canning and cooking
and cleaning and organizing and creating and subbing.
I worry though.  It is a joy-sucker, and in our Bible time yesterday,
our chapter was on the non-benefits of worry.  It does absolutely
no good.  Did worry bring brightness to our family?  Did it pay the bills?  Or
was that God, being FAITHFUL as he ALWAYS is?

Yep.  He is faithful.  I've seen it over and over and over.
Countless times in my life.  God carries me and leads me.
And brings me peace.

May your days be filled with grace and peace
as you go and bloom as he intended you to.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Grace and Peace

I have had fun
with some 1920's drawings
I have had for a long time.
I got them at an estate sale and they
are beautiful.  I've kept them for years,
not really knowing what
I could do with them.
But then...
My daughter taught me
a wee bit about photoshop...
I had these great flower cut outs,
that I was privileged 
to inherit.
And 'wahlah'
I love em!

Now this Wonder Woman
figurine I have enjoyed
as a reminder that
Wonder Woman I am not.
But since she was courageous
she inspires me.  Ha!
I spotted her leaning
against an old pattern in
my studio
and liked the contrast,
so she got to  have a photo shoot~

Wouldn't the 1940's ladies
have been shocked at her outfit!
So proper they look.
I had the privilege of making
a number of collage jewelry pieces
for a wedding recently.
The bridesmaids wore
poofy chiffon and cowboy boots!
And one-of-a-kind

I learned about using resin.
I made quite a mess
as I read that I should
use a heat gun to get rid of the bubbles!
But I am slowly figuring it out.
I love the uniqueness
of each collage.

If you're in Colorado, you can
find more of my jewelry at
Estes Park.

I am still learning a lot about
collage and jewelry making.  It's
just so satisfying to make cute things!
I've stolen a quote from 
Chariots of Fire and tweaked it for
my purposes.

"God made me artistic, and 
when I create I feel His pleasure."

What has God instilled in you?
Are you running, singing, encouraging,
creating, laughing, teaching,
helping, writing, cleaning...
"Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might,
as for the Lord rather than for man."

What brings you joy?
What little inkling or nudge is God giving you?
You know, when you do it,
you will feel His pleasure.
How were you made?  

Uniquely you.

Blessings on you today,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Home Again

Actually, we've been home
for a couple weeks, but it's been a tad crazy.
I'm just starting to get my groove back.
Well, okay, I haven't 
actually got it
back yet.  
Thought you might enjoy
some snippets from traveling...

Lovin' the beach
and remembering our traveling time today as I write.

The hole.  The deep, deep hole.

 Be sure and check
out the awesome thrift stores
in Ventura, CA if you go.
Loads of them and quite
high class.
Note this stylin' kid... 

 I loved this quote I found
at the Fairfax Swap Meet in LA.
What a fun place to spend
a Sunday afternoon.

We brought a lot of rocks
with us from the beach
so we could leave encouraging messages
in random places.
There was a piano in a courtyard
off of Hollywood Blvd.
My kids played,
others joined in and we
had a worship experience
in the midst of the bustle around us.
So, of course I had to leave a rock!
We left them in all kinds
of places from
California to Colorado.

And yet, so glad to be home.

I just wanted to say, "Hey."  I'll write again
soon and show some great jewelry photos from
a wedding I got to do the jewelry for.

May your days be filled with
grace and peace,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

At the beach.....
won't be on here at all!

blessings from a certified beach bum,

Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting ready for the "Junque Sale"

Here is a sampling of what
I've  been working on...

I'm having fun finding uses for these
The vases look so fresh and pretty!

Collage Jewelry
Trying some new ideas out. 

This turned out super cute.
I have over 200 springs
to turn into cute!

Trying resin, a tad, okay a lot
But so far so good, the
drying stage.

And pillows, simple
and rustic,
with good messages.

Coffee and Hope!

And of course,

If you're in the area,
Come to the show in Loveland, CO.
I'm doing the show with my good friend. 
We'll be bringing lots 
of salvaged goodies
and great furniture too.
