Monday, October 1, 2012

The Faithfulness of the Lord

"The faithfulness
of the
Lord endures
forever."  Psalm 117

This verse jumped out at me
in my quiet time.

I love this gentle reminder.

Fret not, dear.
He's got this one.
...And that other one too.

And all those ones in the past.
Remember how He has carried you,
over and over.

I have the added blessing
of a Christian heritage,
so I love to recount the many
stories I've heard,
some of which I lived as a child, of
God's faithfulness.

Over and over, God has been incredibly faithful.
My little worries seem so insignificant
in the big picture.

The big picture that says,
write it down, lest you forget
what the Lord has done.
Talk about it.

Those boots that came to the post office
at 3:00 am, when my sister was
on her way to college in Canada,
and my dad actually checked to see if they
were there on their way out of town.

That financial gift that showed
up unexpectedly,
several times actually,
right when I needed it.

The Boy's Ranch 
my son's life, and took him on such short
notice a few years ago.  And still prays for him and loves him.

Yes, Deedee, God
will supply all your needs
according to His riches
in glory.

All your needs.  

Thanks Lord for this gentle reminder today.
Health, Spiritual, Home, Family,
all your needs.

Are you worrying?  Do you have needs
in your life that you are hanging onto with fret?
God wants to carry those for you too.

You can live free.
Pray, it's enough.
