Saturday, August 8, 2015

Old People

Mr. Herring is one of the 'old people' I take care of.
I love my 'old people' and I hope they don't mind
that I call them that, 'cause it makes
me smile.
He getting up there, turns 90 this year.
I first met him 10 years ago, he has
a prankster, ornery attitude
that makes people
feel like they just
want to pull up a chair to sit a spell.  
He has Alzheimer's
now, so the stories 
are always the
same...but as
my grandpa often said,
 "you've probably heard this before, 
but it bears repeating!"
(He told the same stories a lot too)

I had the privilege of taking
him to the symphony in
the park on the 4th of July.
He rarely goes out
any more, but he was so
excited to go.
We ended up staying for 3 1/2 hours
I couldn't believe it...he was
having so much fun listening
to the music, and of
course, we had to stay
for the 1812 Overture,
because there were real
canons going to go off!
 He even met the canoneer after!

It makes me miss my daddy, no where
near 90, but I think that's why
I like taking care of old people,
my daddy's gone now and
my mama lives in Oregon, so
I take care of people in
honor of them.

Mrs. Herring is a cutie patootie.
Her birthday was a few weeks
ago and I took her a crown for her party!
Isn't she so cute!
She use to be my kid's piano teacher
and though we rarely hear
her play now, on
her birthday she
gave it a go.
We gathered around
to sing.
Her gnarled hands hitting plenty
of wrong notes, but no one
cared...because Mrs. Herring played.

I've taken to praying with her
when we do things that
are hard...and
singing to her too.
The first time I sang, I felt a little
silly, but I knew it was the
right thing to do...
and after we did the 'hard thing,'
Mrs. Herring

Oh and here's a funny story...
Mrs. Herring likes
to kiss goodbye on
the lips...I 
usually just shake Mr. Herring's hand
but one day I went in for a hug...
and he gave me
a raspberry!

And there's Jerry...she's
A lot.
Sometimes when I visit her
she's very sad but
by the time I'm ready
to go I see her
But not lately.
I've told her I miss it.
I prayed out loud for God
to help her find her smile
 (I've never really liked praying out loud, so I am
 reminded when
I do that it's what my parents would always
do when they left someone's house after
visiting and that makes me feel happy... to be like them.)

Will you pray for her with me?
One day, before the
sadness became huge,
I took her out to
the Goodwill.  Oh my goodness,
it was like taking a kid to the
candy shop....I even had to
give her a 10 minute warning
to leave or we'd have been
there all day!
When she goes out,
she says she feels like she's escaping...
she lives in a retirement home.

Do you see them?
Old people?
Sometimes when I visit
my mom in Oregon, seeing
the folks in her retirement
home reminds me
that I need to really look at them
in their eyes, because
really seeing people matters...
No matter how old they are.
Many of them are 
and they don't look at people
in the eyes.
And that's
just too sad.

Find an old person soon would you?
Look them in the eye and
listen, even if you've heard
their story 
maybe even
hold their hand
and pray for them.
Look for smiles
'cause sometimes
those get lost.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Great Show!

Had a great show yesterday at Vera's House Beautiful in Loveland.  Nice to reconnect with old friends and meet a few new ones.

 This farm table turned out beautifully!  Thanks Rhonda for 
all your hard work.  Originally pulled from a filthy outbuilding
in eastern Colorado, boy was it beaten up.
The funny red cow 
and the headless chicken statue
brought many smiles.
 My new 'welcome' signs were so
fun to paint.
 Stylish in her vintage slip!
 I have a quote I use on signs that cracks me up...
This woman had it tattooed on her!
"I ain't afraid to love a man,
I ain't afraid to shoot him either!"
Annie Oakley
Shows are a lot of work, but it was
a 'feel good' exhaustion at the end of the day.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bonjour Happiness!

Hello Friends,
It has been a long couple of months 
since I've written.
I live in an area
affected by the recent floods, in fact
today, my high schoolers just
got to go back to school at Lyons
High School.  Driving
past the mud, piles of debris
and devastation this morning, I am

I am thankful for the Blessings.  The community and the school bonded
together in helping one another.  Relief workers came and many
are still here. I got the blessing of an extra teenager for a couple
months too!  

So in the bustle of life these past couple of months,
I am reminded that the Blessings come in many the piles of laundry,
in the pleasure of having teens in my life, in the teaching of Sunday School,
the substitute teaching, the leaf piles, a cup of coffee, Pandora radio, 
a day to myself, furniture rearranging, a little baby that
came and turned the world upside down, so many
blessings to reach out and touch~

And time to create.
Here's a sampling of what I've been up to.
I call them 'Snow Biddies.'
Snow gals and guys with
That's Mrs. Beachy above
and Bertie here.

I am having a blast making them.  You can find them at
in Longmont.

I've also been working on
making French Hens.
Birds I've paper mache'd out
of old French textbooks, with
pearl eggs, banners and
yep, glitter.

Here's Gertie.

for the inspiration to dye those little trees.
They look perfect snuggled
up next to the Snow Biddies.

Here's Frenchie.  Okay, did I say how 
much fun I was having?  I love
giving them names too!

Making bird nests with Morning Glory vines and glitter.

Okay, my pictures aren't exactly in order, but you get 
the idea.  I am thankful for the blessing
of creativity and time to play,
it meets a need in me.
In tweaking a line from Chariots of Fire,
"God made me artistic and when
I create I feel his pleasure!"

Remember to look for blessings.
God is in the details,


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Brighten the Corner Where You Are

Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar,
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.

Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!

Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
Brighten the corner where you are.

are you brightening your corner?
or filling it with complaining,
adding to the discord around you?
I was.
I'm ready to get 
back to brightening my corner
'cause drama and negativity
don't do anyone
any good.
even if you didn't start it.
even if...
you can let it go.
get back on track.
back to 
those small moments
and gestures can
mean the

your smile 


Thursday, October 3, 2013


I am weary
of the 
of the ex.
for a week and a half
it's been barf
then today
i read in
and it said
be thankful.
in this.
at the end
of the day.
i am thankful.
that i no
longer live 
in the 
on a daily
we have
we have
we have
i am
i am
i can give
i don't
have to
in it.
it is
i give
and ask

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Art Show

My daughter
had an 
Art Show
last night.  She has

been burning the
midnight oil, framing and matting
her photos and painting other
works of art.

She is gifted in
so many ways and has
a heart that yearns
to seek after God, live
in peace and 

minister to others.

What a
it has been
to get to be her mamacita.

Way to go dear one!

I love your whole face.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Her Happy Heart

I have been teaching as a
long term sub for the
last three weeks.
I have been
have learned so stinkin' much!
I am working with
children who have
special needs
and yes,
there have been
some days
I wanted to cry,

but it has taught me several
very important things...
1.  Be direct in simple terms.

This one actually has helped me in parenting
my own fact one day
my 15 year old son looked at
me and said, "You looked like you really meant that!"
Yep, I needed that lesson.

2.  Celebrate the simple victories!
my favorite...
3.  Be a 'bucket filler.'
If you  haven't read the Bucket books,
they are a must!  

4.  Treat students as smart and valuable people, no matter their level
of 'smartness.'
There is a 5th grade teacher I have had the privilege of
observing on several occasions, she so gently
brings the students back to what they
are supposed to be doing,
while at the same time making them
feel like successful little people.  What a gift she has.

5.  Have a happy heart!
This is my favorite.  My teammate was setting goals
with her students and modeled it by putting
her own goals up, this was one of her goals.  I love the fact that
she is teaching this very important life skill and showing
by example every single day,
what a happy heart looks like.

"A happy heart is good medicine."
Yeah, it's in scripture too,
so be good to
your soul
and live with a happy heart.

These are photos of some signs
I did recently, I found
some cowgirl
ones that just
reached my funny bone.

(A glimpse of my painting table.)

It's time to rock it with 
happiness girls!


Friday, July 19, 2013

The Joy of being Home

Some images from travelling...
Loved the swim baskets
and light fixtures

out of old goodies at 
Hoodoo Antiques in Portland.

At Saturday Market in Portland,
watching the children
play in the

 or not play...

This is Tessie, she sits upfront
on her owner's motorcycle
and wears a helmet too!
Looks like she
stopped to pose for me~!

Hunting for words
on this trip...

and cool places to take
some Senior photos
of my daughter.

We stopped to pick blueberries,
I missed it because there were so
many outbuildings on this 
old farm...
as I headed round the bend
on the very bumpy road,
I felt like I was
in an episode of "Picker's."
Oh my, If I could have
hauled things back to Colorado,
I'd have gone "pickin.''

When we ran into another car coming down the hill,
the driver had to pull off road for us to pass.
Then we got to a house with the
chickens hanging out on the porch!
A ragged lookin' child came
to ask us what we were doing
there....he was about 4, 
guess not many people
just pop in!

Time at the beach is always so refreshing.
Just to sit and listen
to the roar
Well, for me, it is actually snoozin' on the
beach that makes the vacation
But home...
I love to come home.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gone to the Beach

Let me tell you about my mama
In the last 8 months,
she's been in the
hospital and
rehab for
a broken hip,
as well as some other
And so imagine my
when she
said yes,
to the 

 I live 1000 miles away,
so it has been a
Day 1, looking
at the BEACH
from the top of the
very steep path.

 God gave me the
best gift
when He
my mama

The best place to be
is most
the BEACH.

Day 2,
"Sure, I'd like to go
on down to the 
beach for a while..."
Isn't she so cute!

Day 3
Look at her!
And then, "Yes,
I'd like to go on down for
the fireworks!!!"
So not only was she walking in the sand,
she walked in the sand in the
dark, she's 

