Thursday, August 29, 2013

Her Happy Heart

I have been teaching as a
long term sub for the
last three weeks.
I have been
have learned so stinkin' much!
I am working with
children who have
special needs
and yes,
there have been
some days
I wanted to cry,

but it has taught me several
very important things...
1.  Be direct in simple terms.

This one actually has helped me in parenting
my own fact one day
my 15 year old son looked at
me and said, "You looked like you really meant that!"
Yep, I needed that lesson.

2.  Celebrate the simple victories!
my favorite...
3.  Be a 'bucket filler.'
If you  haven't read the Bucket books,
they are a must!  

4.  Treat students as smart and valuable people, no matter their level
of 'smartness.'
There is a 5th grade teacher I have had the privilege of
observing on several occasions, she so gently
brings the students back to what they
are supposed to be doing,
while at the same time making them
feel like successful little people.  What a gift she has.

5.  Have a happy heart!
This is my favorite.  My teammate was setting goals
with her students and modeled it by putting
her own goals up, this was one of her goals.  I love the fact that
she is teaching this very important life skill and showing
by example every single day,
what a happy heart looks like.

"A happy heart is good medicine."
Yeah, it's in scripture too,
so be good to
your soul
and live with a happy heart.

These are photos of some signs
I did recently, I found
some cowgirl
ones that just
reached my funny bone.

(A glimpse of my painting table.)

It's time to rock it with 
happiness girls!
