Wednesday, November 14, 2012

'Tis the Season of Joy!

It's almost here!
You know that time when
we should 'extra remember,'
that Jesus
came so that
we might have


more abundantly.

Here's a sampling of some Christmas cheer
I've been working on...

But my favorite holiday
of all comes first,

'Thanks' giving

The no pressure, cook and eat
'til you're stuffed and
then when you're playing
games, eat some dessert.

Then, when the die-hards are still
playing Scrabble
heat the leftovers!

Who doesn't love this holiday!
When my children were in elementary school,
We decorated a sheet around the edges
and put out fabric markers
so that people could write and draw
what they were thankful for, all over
the tablecloth!

It's a precious reminder year to year,
of who was with us, the kid's sense
of humor (and the adults!),
and what 
the Lord had bestowed 
on us that year.

This year I am extremely thankful for my mama.
I just got back from spending time with her.
  She has decided to downsize 
and move into a retirement village.
Let me backtrack and say that
my grandma had told me once when we were digging
around in her attic, that
my mom wasn't going to have anything to do 
when she was old, cause she hadn't saved
anything to sort.  Grandma was a keeper and my parents
had moved enough times, mama is a tosser.

Well...after a week of sorting, I'm glad that she's pared
down over the years!  There was plenty to sort.
 An organized tosser, saves
what's important and knows how to pack it in!

I had fun reading old letters and looking
at photos.  A reminder of the
blessed heritage I have. 
Godly parents
who taught what matters
She had a health scare a few weeks ago,
so I am ever grateful that she
is still with us and
that I was able to
take a week to be with her.

I am also thankful for
the 'adopted' mama's in my kid's lives
that cared for them
this past week.

I love you mom.

May grace and peace and thankfulness be yours,