Monday, April 30, 2012

The Journey Girls

I have been in a Bible study called "The Healing Journey," by Cyndy Sherwood.
It has definitely been a journey 
and I  have taken it with five other ladies.
On the last day of the study
one of the ladies mentioned praying for her
'journey girls.'
And an idea began in my little brain.
Here they are!
Aren't they so cute!

They are modeled after my 'journey girls' of course,
with lots of hidden messages in this collage.
Now, I am a beginner at this
art stuff,
so I'm not sure what to do with it
for all the ladies.
Or where to have it done,
t-shirts, mugs,
Still thinking on how to share
it with 6 of us.

Here is another one I had to do some
technique practicing before I was ready
to put the journey girls on canvas.
I didn't even realize until they were
both done that they went together with the same 


He does long to heal us.  Love that.
I need to dwell in that today.
Got to looking at some
old photos and
had a weeping session.

Life hasn't been what
I had hoped and dreamed for.
But it can be awesome.
In a new way.
It is actually,
but healing is a process.
No, 'okay all done, all fixed now.'

Moment by moment.
Finding the good.
The precious.
Cherishing it.

I am very thankful that
my journey girls have  helped me so much this year.
Do you have journey girls?
Friends who can help you through the
Rejoice with you in the yippees?
I hope so.
Maybe you can be that for someone else.
Friends in the journey.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Today I choose to live in hope.

hang onto it,
never let it go.
Christ wants to give you
the desires of your heart.
It says so right there
in Psalm 20:8.


That is amazing to ponder.

I've been playing in the newly tidied work area
in my garage.  Now that it is warmer,
I can take my paint
and wood
and mess, there's a lot of that
and not worry
that the kitchen is a wreck.
The kitchen gets to be a wreck
all by itself!

Here is a sampling of what I've been collaging 
(the dictionary tells me that's not spelled right.)
This is actually my practice board
for the piece I have in my
head, got to try those 
techniques and figure things out.
I'll post the one
that's in my head,
"The Journey Girls,"
when it gets more complete.

Live in hope,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Use your 'big girl words'

I work in preschool.
another adult in the class said these words,

"use your big girl words,
crying isn't going to get you what you want!"

I had to write it down
and tell her I was
turning it into a sign.

Not only are they good words for young ladies 
learning to be friends,
but for grown up girls too.

My big girl words,
my voice,
it took some time for me
to find it again,
but I never want to forget to
use my 'big girl words'.

'Cause they are worth hearing.
You are a gift and using 
the voice God gave

A sampling of my  journals
as I was finding
those words.

God has been faithful to me.
He has carried me.
I want to share
that with people.
To give hope.

You may be in rough circumstances.
Most of us have to go through
the valley,
but He is the one
who restores our soul.

Don't lose sight of what is
in your life.
How God can use your story,
How He longs to 
hear you
and heal you.

"Be strong and courageous
for the Lord your God
is with you wherever you go."

Even if it starts with a little squeak,

Monday, April 9, 2012

A time to play

It's biblical you know,
maybe not,
but when I wrote the title,
it sounded like the chapter in
"A time to plant...
A time to HEAL..
A time to tear down and a time to build,
A time to weep
and a time to LAUGH,"
Yeah, laugh!  It's in the Bible!
"A time to mourn and a time to DANCE.
A time to embrace...
A time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to search and a time to give up.
A time to be silent and a time to speak.
A time to LOVE...
A time for

This garden was one of those places.
A garden of old metal,
flowers in unusual places.
Pieces of whimsy
that jumped 
out at you.

While traveling with my teenagers
last spring,
we stopped at Necessities in Hutchinson, KS.
They waited in the car
for mom to look at one more antique store.
I had to come back and get them
for a photo shoot, I was so inspired!

and the funniest thing happened....
they loved it!
They played.
There was a graveyard of old
My daughter has wanted a hippie bus

You should have heard her squeal as she
took off running!

Don't forget to take time to play.
Enjoy those moments,
those ordinary ones
can easily turn into

play hard,

Friday, April 6, 2012

live in hope

I'm in a Bible study called
the Healing Journey
look it up, it's
an amazing study by
Cindy Sherwood that takes you through 
almost 30 weeks of
processing your garbage
and letting God
have it.
All of it.

Some things I am learning this week are 
that I want to get
back to 

living in hope.
dreaming with possibility.
I want to live wholeheartedly
and purposefully.

look at this girl!
that's me
full of dreams and hopes
she is braver than she thinks.
stronger because of Jesus.

She's ready to let her contagious joy show!

I hope you find
healing on your journey.
We're all broken people
and we can
be made new in Jesus.
That's actually part of the mission statement
of my church.  Written larger
than life reminding
us weekly
we are being made new.

lovin' who God made me to be,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Be strong and Courageous

Refuse to give up hope.
Tell your story.
Be strong and courageous,
overflow with joy.
Reflect on how far you've come.
Stop criticizing yourself.
Count your blessings,
over and over.
Cherish your family...   a lot!
Give praise and credit to God.

Pray, it's enough.
Live fearlessly for the Lord and
speak of His faithfulness.

A lesson in good self talk that
I have hanging above my work table.
I was lost
for a time.  Don't
want to forget
who God made me to be.
And all that he has in store for me.
It's time to dream again
and remember to

"My soul stood straight."

Stand straight.  Stand firm.  Be courageous.
For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

With hope,

Monday, April 2, 2012

A breath of exhilarating fresh air

I have saved this card for a number of years and just
happened across it today.
Brought me to tears.
My dad has been gone for 3 years.
I cherish this reminder
of how much he loved me
and treasured who
I was.
I pray this
for all
little girls.
Not much beats a daddy's love.
Your daddy in heaven loves you like this.
Never forget that.

Counting Blessings

moms and dads
my faith
just a few of the things I am thankful for.
Today I saw a person with prosthetic legs
and a prosthetic hand.
I was reminded how blessed
I truly am.
And inspired by him.
Don't know why, just was.
It's easy to forget to
Count those blessings.
One by one.
