Wednesday, May 9, 2012


On Saturday I got to take some jewelry 
and other fun
and inspiring goodies
to my newest store,
 A Joyful Cottage in Estes Park.

As I was preparing to go, I gathered 
a few props to display with,
I threw in an old
Remington typewriter 
at the last minute.
It's a good thing I did.
I ended up having to do a table
and wall display.  I had
a piece of pattern paper, two lace doilies
and the boxes I carried thing up in!
It actually turned out pretty cute.

I've been organizing my studio
so I can get back to jewelry making.
I haven't actually made any
in several months.
It's sign season mostly.
But now I am jazzed to start playing again.

There's just something about rosaries I love.
The patina,
the prayers,
the hope.
The reminder that Jesus loves us so.

On the way home I went treasure hunting with my friend.
The one who made the display work with our
few supplies.

I really love the hunt.
And the find.
It wasn't until I went to take photos a few days
later I realized this pot was stamped made in Italy!

Does anyone know who these
lovely statues are?  I think maybe one is St. Francis.

I am drawn to old boxes.
and pillars.

Treasure hunting.
It's inspiring.
Why do old things bring me such joy?
The score so to speak, of something rusty or peely
Like me.

I guess that says it all.
We are a treasure, with all our glorious imperfections.
Gotta love that!


1 comment:

  1. perhaps st. anthony and st francis....don't they both have animals??
