Thursday, December 13, 2012

More Christmas Joy!

I guess I must love creating,
because yesterday
I kept squealing
at how cute 
everything kept
turning out!

Squeal a little,
it's Christmas!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Snowpeople and Glitter!

I really like my snowpeople!
I found these cans in
a garage at an
estate sale a few months ago
and pictured what
they could be.

Rusty, peeley,
a bit worn.
Kinda like me.
But add
a little joy,
some glitter
and fun,
and look how
they are repurposed.

I get to choose.
I choose joy.
And sparkle.

I tend to forget sometimes.

God made me,
my quirky,
sparkly self.

I hope people smile when
they think of me,
like I smile
when I see my 
weirdish-cute snowpeople,

Have a sparkly day,