Monday, August 27, 2012

Grace and Peace

I have had fun
with some 1920's drawings
I have had for a long time.
I got them at an estate sale and they
are beautiful.  I've kept them for years,
not really knowing what
I could do with them.
But then...
My daughter taught me
a wee bit about photoshop...
I had these great flower cut outs,
that I was privileged 
to inherit.
And 'wahlah'
I love em!

Now this Wonder Woman
figurine I have enjoyed
as a reminder that
Wonder Woman I am not.
But since she was courageous
she inspires me.  Ha!
I spotted her leaning
against an old pattern in
my studio
and liked the contrast,
so she got to  have a photo shoot~

Wouldn't the 1940's ladies
have been shocked at her outfit!
So proper they look.
I had the privilege of making
a number of collage jewelry pieces
for a wedding recently.
The bridesmaids wore
poofy chiffon and cowboy boots!
And one-of-a-kind

I learned about using resin.
I made quite a mess
as I read that I should
use a heat gun to get rid of the bubbles!
But I am slowly figuring it out.
I love the uniqueness
of each collage.

If you're in Colorado, you can
find more of my jewelry at
Estes Park.

I am still learning a lot about
collage and jewelry making.  It's
just so satisfying to make cute things!
I've stolen a quote from 
Chariots of Fire and tweaked it for
my purposes.

"God made me artistic, and 
when I create I feel His pleasure."

What has God instilled in you?
Are you running, singing, encouraging,
creating, laughing, teaching,
helping, writing, cleaning...
"Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might,
as for the Lord rather than for man."

What brings you joy?
What little inkling or nudge is God giving you?
You know, when you do it,
you will feel His pleasure.
How were you made?  

Uniquely you.

Blessings on you today,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Home Again

Actually, we've been home
for a couple weeks, but it's been a tad crazy.
I'm just starting to get my groove back.
Well, okay, I haven't 
actually got it
back yet.  
Thought you might enjoy
some snippets from traveling...

Lovin' the beach
and remembering our traveling time today as I write.

The hole.  The deep, deep hole.

 Be sure and check
out the awesome thrift stores
in Ventura, CA if you go.
Loads of them and quite
high class.
Note this stylin' kid... 

 I loved this quote I found
at the Fairfax Swap Meet in LA.
What a fun place to spend
a Sunday afternoon.

We brought a lot of rocks
with us from the beach
so we could leave encouraging messages
in random places.
There was a piano in a courtyard
off of Hollywood Blvd.
My kids played,
others joined in and we
had a worship experience
in the midst of the bustle around us.
So, of course I had to leave a rock!
We left them in all kinds
of places from
California to Colorado.

And yet, so glad to be home.

I just wanted to say, "Hey."  I'll write again
soon and show some great jewelry photos from
a wedding I got to do the jewelry for.

May your days be filled with
grace and peace,