Wednesday, June 27, 2012


"Play every day," she said, "it's so good for the soul."

I have been working like crazy this month.
But since it's so much
like playing,
It's just so satisfying.

This idea has been rolling around
in my head for awhile.

I just love the message.
"You are fearfully and wonderfully made,
never forget that!"
One of the last things my dad
told me before he died was that.
It's scriptural,
but somehow, coming
from my daddy,
it packed a punch.

It's easy to get beaten down
Not as skinny as I'd like,
or at least less round.  But you are
just exactly who God
intended you to be!
So celebrate that.
Maybe eat healthier and get out and 
walk, but who
you are,
is really what matters!
So start loving yourself!

My daughter and I went driving
a couple weeks ago
she needs to practice,
so we went to Cheyenne.  Her
friend wanted us to 
bring her a souvenir.
After leaving the gas station
on the way back
to Colorado, we thought
we'd grab her a rock.  We were
at a stoplight and
this is the rock that
we found!

So now, we have a 
for our road trip coming up.
Love messages on rocks
left in random places.
What a fun encouraging
thing we can do to 
make the world
a brighter place!

Approximately 200 signs this month so far!
My legs are a little sore 
from standing on cement though!

Remember those 'Unexpected Blessings'
they do come from God.
I think in quotes now.
Random things people
say spark sign ideas.  

Always on the hunt
for fun and encouraging
I'm just realizing that
Dr. Seuss was
pretty encouraging.

My helper, Muffin
likes the ribbon basket.

This week is tear out carpet to
use the groovy cement floor
in a game room.
With breaks for playing
and sign making of course.

Live like crazy,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

life lessons

Lesson 1
If you garden
in flip-flops, be prepared
for some mud between your toes.
And really filthy feet generally speaking!

Gardening is so satisfying,
unless of course something
starts to eat the
'babies' just as they
peek out of the dirt ~ aaah!
But still,
I have been working so hard to make
the outside of my home pretty.

I mostly do seeds and starts from friends.
I've also put a mix of random
things for plants to grow on.
An old door that needs weathering,
a yummy old trellis out of peely white wood.
A bunch of signs.
So, grow babies, grow, since you are what the garden
is about!
But I really do like the mud in my toes part too.

This is a sign a friend made for me 17 years ago.  
Love the flowers and the message.

Life lesson 2
If you use a heat gun on the floor of your garage
because the work table is too full
and doesn't have a clamp anyway,
just possibly you might burn
the carpet!  
Yea I've got some pretty rugs
in  my garage because
I found them by the side of the road
a nice way to warm up my work space
and make it pretty.  Well, now
it does have that burnt spot!
Also, holding down the
wood with your foot
as you snuggle close in so it
will make the paint bubble faster, perhaps
isn't the brightest thing I've ever done.
As I was working
though, and jerking my hand away
because it kept getting too hot,
I began to ponder about

I've been cranking out signs this week.
Last week was wood cutting
and wood cleaning
and organizing the garage work space
by taking much to the Goodwill.
So this week gets
to be the fun part!  About
70 signs so far,
with a goal of 150,
I've got a few orders
and stores to fill up.

This is a good quote for my house!

 A Joyful Cottage in Estes Park 
gets these.  Today's step
wiring, finishing the backs
and 'be-ribboning.'

Take time to play it's Summer!
For me, sign making is play.
I've been thinking about life goals and where
I'm headed and such.
I think I love creating and 'arting.'  
Maybe you could tell that?
So I am praying about the future
and what it looks like for me.  I would love
it if my work could be this.
Play, it's just so satisfying.
My paying job is working in the local school district.
I do love that too.
Will you pray with me?
I haven't a clue how to do anything
with my art except crank it out
and sell in local stores and markets.
Which I enjoy,
but just maybe these inspirational
words can reach a broader world somehow.

Hoping and Praying,

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mama Love

I have the best mother in the universe.
No kidding.
She prays for me daily.
She is encouraging and supportive.
She is my favorite person
in the world to get the giggles with.
She has a beautiful heart.

There was that one year I gave
her a Mother's Day gift
Mother's Day came and she
thought I'd forgotten her.
So now in keeping with my tradition,
My gift is fashionably late!

I had fun playing with image transfers.
I tried the technique of printing
with an inkjet printer onto transparencies,
but it didn't work right.
I ended up using photocopies, mat gel medium
and wax.  When you transfer photocopies,
it's hard to get all the white to disappear,
so rub it with a little wax and it will
stay clear.  I used leftover wax
from my soy lavender Magic Fairy Candle.

Just don't hair dry it to make
it go faster!  I did
and then the page before 
started to melt!  

Packed full of love notes and fond memories.

My kids wrote love notes too.  They are teenagers now.
I love their words.  
They love her smell (cucumber lotion).
Her soft arms.
So sweet!

Mama Love,
That's the best.
