Friday, May 25, 2012

You are Precious in His sight.

Went out to play today.  Look what I saw...
By far, the longest table ever!  Love the metal top.

I am really drawn to old cement.
Beautiful designs.

Lots of crusty rusty.

The top of an old door with fabulous detailing.


And who can resist old pillars?

Some beauty from nature among the tired and worn. 
A nice contrast.

Here is a verse I learned as a young woman in Sunday School.
"Be beautiful inside, in your heart,
with the lasting charm of 
a gentle, quiet spirit.
Which is so precious to God."

Some days I feel tired and worn out.  Maybe I'll go
sit in a junk yard next to some
peely pillars.  Just lean there.
Can you picture it?  Someone comes along and takes my photo and says,

Look, she's so beautiful.  Look at the gentle spirit.
Precious in His sight.

I'll try and remember that,
it puts things back into perspective.
Now I think it's time to go rest this tired gal.

"You are precious in His sight,"

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

They really are Possible!

With a little time
and lots of help from
my daughter,
look at 
the fun we had
redoing our living room!

The mantle got an updo,
with the gold frames tying it

This broken chandelier
has some character,
only 2 arms are in tact.  Maybe it
will someday be a jewelry display piece.
And my favorite garden
statue of all times,
too crumbly to go outside,
but bringing me joy when I see it indoors.

The wildish rosebush in the backyard
surprised me the other day.
It's tucked away close to the house
and I just happened upon it
not knowing it had
That's a lot like watching
our children grow.
It's the daily mess and diapers
and feeding (I had 4 children in 6 years)
 and wondering if you'll ever talk
to adults in complete sentences again, and
then realizing
in a moment, that your
cute little preschool singing, "Old McDonald had a farm,
has grown into a brave, talented and confident young lady.

Blossomed, beautifully.

Of course,
throughout the day dedicated
to housecleaning, I had to 
go rust some things
and play a bit too!

Yes, dear, all things are possible
with God."  Raising children
most importantly
and even
those least 
like housecleaning.

with joy,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

With God all things are Possible!

All things?

That is truly an amazing concept.
Here are some 
new signs.
I really like the way they
turned out, but
stenciling is a booger!

I much prefer playing
and creating 
than bill
and house cleaning.
But if all things
are possible
does that include
keeping up on
the daily stuff too?

I'll keep that in mind!

For Mother's Day
my kids helped
plant and
some garden spaces.
It's a little hard to tell,
but this is
an old mop bucket with 

And I do love geraniums.

Just rambling today, I hope your
day is full of amazing surprises.
I went to a hoarder's estate
sale yesterday.
And while it is very sad
to see and I seriously
hope my things
are organized enough
no one is terribly
shocked when
they have to go through
my home,
digging is so much fun!

Got 5 medicine cabinets!

It was an old house with spiral wooden
stairs.  I hauled these cupboards out
of the basement.

I'm not sure why digging 
(in other people's stuff
as well as the garden!)
is restorative
but it does have
something inspiring about it and

A step away from the everyday and
the stresses that crowd in.

All things are possible
even soul restoration.
Gotta love that.


Friday, May 11, 2012

The Power of Words

Yesterday I had some 
fun with words.
Someone it seems has ordered me a magazine.
I haven't had a subscription in several years.
When it came in the mail this week,
a couple titles caught my eye,
something to add to a
or collage.
So I began to rip out words that
spoke to me.
And my story started

these words
fit my journey.

Ooh, I was getting more
and more inspired!
All done with the magazine,
I picked up a grocery flyer.
jumped out at me.
The final piece.
I started messing around with them
to take some photos.
My daughter had a photography
assignment involving
I had no idea.

See what fun I had!
Honestly, these were random words!
or tear down.
I choose the encouraging
Don't you just
love it when someone
that for you?

This is my daughter's photo, love the mix with the old letter.

Something else that struck me funny this week are the labels
on my old jars that I store buttons
and pearls in.

Who doesn't love a jar labeled cyanide!
I use to keep it in my kitchen~ ha!

I am reminding myself
as well as you,
be encouragers and builder ups of others.

"Say only what helps
each word a gift."

Ephesians 4:29 The Message


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


On Saturday I got to take some jewelry 
and other fun
and inspiring goodies
to my newest store,
 A Joyful Cottage in Estes Park.

As I was preparing to go, I gathered 
a few props to display with,
I threw in an old
Remington typewriter 
at the last minute.
It's a good thing I did.
I ended up having to do a table
and wall display.  I had
a piece of pattern paper, two lace doilies
and the boxes I carried thing up in!
It actually turned out pretty cute.

I've been organizing my studio
so I can get back to jewelry making.
I haven't actually made any
in several months.
It's sign season mostly.
But now I am jazzed to start playing again.

There's just something about rosaries I love.
The patina,
the prayers,
the hope.
The reminder that Jesus loves us so.

On the way home I went treasure hunting with my friend.
The one who made the display work with our
few supplies.

I really love the hunt.
And the find.
It wasn't until I went to take photos a few days
later I realized this pot was stamped made in Italy!

Does anyone know who these
lovely statues are?  I think maybe one is St. Francis.

I am drawn to old boxes.
and pillars.

Treasure hunting.
It's inspiring.
Why do old things bring me such joy?
The score so to speak, of something rusty or peely
Like me.

I guess that says it all.
We are a treasure, with all our glorious imperfections.
Gotta love that!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Choose Joy!

Joy is more than a smile, it is an attitude of the heart which permeates your entire being. It affects all of life, how you handle situations, and how you reach out to others. 

I just loved this quote from
what a great definition,
the attitude of the heart.
I choose joy.

"You make known to me the path of life;
in Your presence there is fullness of joy;
at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Psalm 16:11

I adore this picture of my Grandma and her brother.
Her laughter looks so contagious!

And this is my sister and brother.
So cute!

I hope you choose joy today.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shut up and Pray!

This quote came out of a discussion
in my Sunday School class
a couple of weeks ago.
Someone was trying to figure it all out,
to solve things and then said,
"You know, I'm just gonna shut up and pray!"

I loved it immediately and knew it
needed to be a sign.

Instead of figuring it all out.

Instead of wasting all that time worrying
and fretting,
think about the birds...

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Matthew 6:26

He takes care of them.
He'll take care of you.

Here's my son,
these baby chicks adopted him as
mom for a day.
He cares about baby chicks too.

Precious in His sight,
Incredibly so,
You are.
